Remember when we moved from filmstrips, flannel boards and overhead projectors to video tapes, CDs and dry-erase boards? You have to be a certain vintage to remember some of those, but most of us have had to learn new ways of teaching and new resources for supporting educational ministries. We had to learn to the thread the projector, or connect the speakers or, learn the hard way, not to use regular markers on the dry-erase board.

We’re in that moment once again.

Educational technologies that support the teaching ministry are now essential for educators and teaching pastors as we lean-in to the emerging new normal for nurturing faith and growth. It is time to become as comfortable with educational technologies as we are with easels, flip charts, and markers. We don’t have to know them all – or all at once – but we do have to take those first steps. Start with one or two, play around with them, see what works for you and then discover the possibilities that open for you and those with whom you teach and learn.

June: Canva

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